TASKI® Solutions For Atriums, Cafeterias And Large Area Floors
TASKI® machines offer advanced cleaning technology, ergonomic design, ease of use and low maintenance. These features increase efficiency, efficacy and return on investment.
Key Advantages:
- Intelligent design and easy cleaning reduce the possibility of equipment acting as a reservoir for pathogens.
- Patented squeegees and direct pickup leave floors cleaner and dryer with no trail mopping or baseboard cleaning.
- TASKI® IntelliFlow™ and IntelliTrail® technologies ensure proper cleaning while reducing water/chemical usage and labor costs and optimizing equipment utilization.
- Operator comfort and safety are engineered into every TASKI® machine. Advanced technology for maneuverability and braking reduces the possibility of accidents in operation. Batteries are isolated away from liquid tanks, out of reach during normal operation.
- Modular machine design incorporates fewer parts for greater reliability and durability, plus less frequent and easier maintenance.
Read More> TASKI® Solutions For Atriums, Cafeterias And Large Area Floors